Not to say that you are "in" or "out," but I'm sure many have seen this music video. Taeyang's song Wedding Dress describes his longing to marry a friend, who is instead marrying another man. I've had two incidences involving this music video and I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks about it.
The first moment started when a friend of mine came by my dorm room, where I was coincidentally watching the video. Not that I obsess over Taeyang or anything (<.<)
We end up watching the video, not understanding a single word of Korean, just looking at the scenes. And then at 4:10 into the video, it happens.
"What the hell?" my friend asks.
"Just like that? She just accepts a proposal from this random guy who has been cockblocking Taeyang this entire time. I would just punch the guy's face."
Rewatching the video just now (again I am not obsessed), I can see how Taeyang is actually kind of a creeper. Shadily dragging the lady out of the bar. Fumbling in his pocket. The other guy appears. She smiles.
Still, we are lead to side with Taeyang, the main man. That other guy's a bastard. He doesn't deserve her. And that girl's a bitch. Can't she see Taeyang is the more talented guy? Has she even seen him dance? If only he had a partner...
But I digress.
Then today I discussed my friend's reaction with other Taeyang fans. Expert fans as they are (meaning they're girls), they offered this perspective: It seems reasonable to favor the more mysterious guy. Plus the other guy is tall and handsome. Taeyang is short.
Now, I don't remember the specific way things were said. Maybe my sources will read this and clarify. But it seems like there are two things that seem to matter for relationships: the quality time spent, and the overall sense of the person. What matters more? Or is this even reflective of reality?
What do you guys think?
dear dan lu,
i really enjoyed this entry.
and taeyang is freaky.
and you are obsessed.
From a girl's perspective, I would have to agree that the quality time spent and the overall sense of the person are two things that matter in a relationship. Still, I think for a relationship to be successful, another important facet of the relationship is the amount of commitment both sides are ready to put in. I mean, you can have a great time hanging out with someone that matters a lot to you, but if that person isn't ready to give up some things and make compromises... you get the picture...
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