

Sometimes I forget that I'm in college. That most of the time I'm just a student

College. Student. Those two words seem to carry different connotations. "Student" makes me think of the tasks, the academics, the essays and the problem sets. I can't help but feel a slight tingling stress just thinking about it.

But college, that's something different. It's friends, the nights out, laughter, the moments. Cheers to that.

So are you a student? Or are you in college? Both?



Overall, things are going well. There's the occasional feeling of loss, like something's hollow. Can't explain why really. It may have something to do with me losing focus on everything. I even stop caring sometimes. Is that a good thing?


It could just be the unusual high amounts of Kyle Landry/Yiruma I've been listening to. I actually like it. Used to be that I thought they played nice piano music. But now, I'm just....disgusted with myself. I blame my roommate.
